
The Application of ultrasound prototype is described to detect vacuum leaks in molds used in the manufacturing of aircraft seats, at the Safran Seats Shells Plant. A prototype has been designed and manufactured by the Academic Group(CA) named "Predictive Maintenance Systems", UTCH-CA-13”, belonging to the Technological University of Chihuahua(UTCH), in the career of Industrial Maintenance. Safran Company contacted the UTCH Industrial Maintenance career, requiring support on leaking in molds. The methodology followed by the Academic Group consists of a visit to the plant in order to visualize the leaking failures on molds , then developed of a hermetic system in the UTCH simulating the mold test conditions, initial tests for the detection of vacuum leaks starts in the laboratory using an ultrasound prototype and hermetic system tester. In the production floor at Safran plant, leakage tests were carried out on the molds using the prototype. Final results were the successful detection of mold vacuum leakage considered as critical issue in the production of the Safran plant. This detection contributes to shorten the mold repair time also improving the quality product and avoid the use of defective tooling.

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