
AbstractThis research aims to describe the problems of teachers in thematic learning in class V Elementary School 03 South Pontianak. The research method used is descriptive method in the form of qualitative research. The source of the data for this research is the fifth grade teacher at the 03 South Pontianak State Elementary School. The data of this research are the results of interviews and questionnaires about teacher constraints in the implementation of thematic learning. The results of the analysis show firstly, that most teachers agree that the obstacles in implementing thematic learning are due to the limited knowledge of teachers regarding the application of thematic learning models and constraints in implementing thematic learning due to the limited media they have, so it is difficult to determine the right media in linking the theme to the subject. integrated, and constrained in applying thematic learning because the experience of teaching teachers using the thematic approach is still minimal, they still find it difficult to present thematic learning to students, and most of the means to support thematic learning in schools tend to be limited, so they have difficulty implementing thematic learning. the solutions provided by schools and the efforts made by teachers to increase knowledge and understanding related to thematic learning are by sharing (exchanging opinions) with fellow teachers, holding Teacher Working Groups (KKG), attending training (education and training), participating in ICT (in-house training)Keywords: Description, Problems, Thematic Learning.

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