
In the past two years, due to the COVID-19 situation, there has been a need for variousonline examinations which were conducted byvarious universities across the world..Thus,the use of machine learningtools and various other educational tools that can be operatedremotely has been used continuously to increase reach among people who don't have access to organisations. Exams area more important factor in the educational system,an online learningprocessinthestudent's career.Sincebyvariousmethodshave been invented to provide efficient, comfortable onlineexamproctoringtoreducemalpracticeintheexaminationbythe student.Various malpracticescan be donefromthe studentsidewhichshouldbehalted.Forthatvariousdeliverytoolsaswellassystemshavebeencreatedtoconducttheexamsinonlinemodefromanyoftheplaces.Those toolswill help to reduce time consumption. This paper introducesa new approach for the "Online Exam Proctoring system” using theHaar cascadealgorithm. Thus,bythissystemthereisnotonly assurance for the identification of a test-taker but also theoverallintegrityofthe testthereshouldbetransparencyinthesystembecause mainly online exam security is a major concern. In thissystem, there is the usage of Haarcascade algorithm which will beused for the feature extraction and will give the system accuracy to enhance the exam security and to minimize the stressfulrestrictions.

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