
Landscape characteristics in coastal areas greatly influence the resilience of tourism facilities for the economy of local people and government. On the other hand, the coastal areas are the first zone hit if a natural disaster such as a tsunami occurs. It is also vulnerable to abrasion as the impact of climate change. The topography of the coastal landscape is considered a factor in planning tourism facilities. Thus, to what extent does landscape design influence designing resilient coastal tourism facilities? The study area of this research is located in Lampuuk beach, Aceh Besar, Indonesia. The research aims to observe the landscape characteristics in coastal tourism areas as a preparedness strategy to confront natural disasters in resilient coastal areas. This research is conducted using a descriptive quantitative method by collecting data on landscape coastal characteristics and data records of coastal tourism growth. Next, all data areanalysed based on the coastal tourism area that has developed tourism facilities. The final step is synthesizing collected data and the analysis result using a modelling approach. The research finds out that the landscape characteristics influence the design of facilities in the coastal tourism area, which requires different structures and materials. The local wisdom of Rumoh Aceh could mitigate and prevent the coastal tourism industry from rebuilding new facilities if the wave range reaches the land.

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