
Jalan Cempaka Putih Tengah XXX has been regarded as an appropriate case study for the research of Designing Pedestrianization Concept within Campus Area. This street has represented the tertiary street within Cempaka Putih area. This street has a strong function as a vehicles way as well as a pedestrian way for students, lecturers, and users who passing through to go to RSIJ, Fakultas Teknik UMJ, and surrounding areas. Although this street has shown that number of pedestrian's flow within this surrounding area is quite high. This condition has encouraged researchers to propose a design for pedestrian way on the street. As an impact, in providing this concept, the proposed design will close the access for vehicles on this street. Pedestrian way should be a good facility which has been provided by government to enhance the quality of the environment. By providing good design of pedestrian way will create better environment. Jalan Cempaka Putih Tengah XXX is a potential case study to be explored. Thus in the future, better environment with new function of this street as pedestrian way will encourage users to stop using vehicles. This condition will support green architecture and sustainable environment. This paper is aimed to provide an alternative design of pedestrian way on the Jalan Cempaka Putih Tengah XXX to create better environment. A planning method has been chosen as a methodology of the research. The final of the research is by delivering an alternative design of pedestrian way within campus and surrounding area.

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