
Three decades after the launch of World Wide Web, the role of internet has completely changed. Today, internet is a widespread network that is available and used 24x7 by millions of people around the globe. Internet besides providing people-to-people connectivity has been extensively used as a platform for one-to-many communication. One such use of internet has seen rapid growth and development in the field of education. This intern leads to delivering online education which sans geographical boundaries, across cultures and societies where education is required.
 One such instance, is the birth of the concept of ‘e-mentoring’, a platform considered to create link between a senior, more experienced person (mentor) and fresher or less skilled (mentee) individual. The use of E- mentoring in development of business aptitude and entrepreneurial learning is increasing day by day, however, a fully developed program with a complete module and contexts along with outcomes has not been generalized yet.
 This paper suggests an online business module to get started in developing e-mentoring program. This will be helpful for both mentor and mentee, to deliver and to receive business development related information respectively. This E-mentoring module can be an alternative option to a traditional face-to-face program or completely web-based or e-mail-based program. E-mentoring, if programmed successfully, can match protégé and mentors having similar interest and business aptitude.

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