
The constantly evolving environment imposes increasingly stringent demands on the mechanical qualities of materials employed for absorbing electromagnetic waves (EMWs). Therefore, there is an urgent need for advanced materials capable of efficiently absorbing EMWs and withstanding harsh electromagnetic conditions. In this study, the electrodeposition method was effectively used to synthesize nickel-cobalt layered double hydroxides (NiCo-LDHs) in a controlled manner on a composite structure of carbon nanotubes and carbon foam, creating an exquisite construction. The manipulation of the electrodeposition time facilitated the regulation of the density of the layered structure within the composite material, thereby significantly enhancing its polarization relaxation performance. Increased defect sites and interface polarization enhance impedance matching and the attenuation constant, resulting in greatly improved absorption performance. The optimized sample demonstrated exceptional wave-absorbing performance in comparative experimental analysis, attaining a maximum reflection loss of -58.18 dB. It also has an effective absorption bandwidth of 5.36 GHz at a wavelength of 2.28 mm. The exceptional isolation effect of LDH, coupled with the outstanding insulation ability of the porous carbon skeleton, confers remarkable corrosion resistance and thermal insulation performance on the composite material. Hence, this discovery offers novel insights into designing environmentally tolerant absorbent materials.

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