
Introduction. The relevance of the study is due to the need to match the requirements of stakeholders to the level of preparedness of a graduate of a master's degree. The purpose of the research. The research is aimed at the development and scientific substantiation of the master's degree program in the field of speech therapy support for persons with communication disorders of various categories in terms of interaction with stakeholders. Methodology and research methods. The Master's program is based on the principles and provisions of practice-oriented and competence-based approaches that ensure the formation of students ' professional competencies and practical skills in solving real professional problems, both in practical classes and during industrial practice on the basis of stakeholders. The research used methods of design, content analysis, questionnaires, mathematical statistics (descriptive statistics, factor analysis). The results. The mechanism of designing the master's degree program is based on the inclusion of stakeholders in the process of forming professional competencies of graduates, the development of its structure, content and areas of implementation (educational process, scientific work, practice, final qualification work, career guidance). The conducted research with the participation of stakeholders (56 people: speech therapists, speech pathologists, psychologists, rehabilitologists, managers) allowed us to determine the four-factor structure of knowledge, skills and labor actions (professional competencies) necessary for a speech therapist when working with people with communication disorders of various categories: ability to plan and implement the content of correctional and developmental classes (percentage of dispersion – 29.4); the ability to design an adapted basic general education program and a special individual development program (percentage of dispersion – 24.5); the ability to implement speech therapy support in the rehabilitation work system (percentage of dispersion – 18.9); the ability to plan and conduct applied scientific research in education, including the diagnosis of persons with communication disorders of various categories (percentage of dispersion – 7.8). Practical significance. The results obtained can be used by the heads of universities focused on the development of interaction with stakeholders, can help to encourage the introduction of practices and strategies that take into account the influence of stakeholders in the development of management decisions and the organization of effective training of teachers in the master's program. They may be of interest to speech therapists-practitioners, scientific supervisors of master's programs.

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