
The ESSnuSB project, recently granted by the EU H2020 framework programme for a 4-year design study, proposes to use the proton linac (2 GeV, 5 MW) of the European Spallation Source (ESS) currently in construction in Lund (Sweden) to deliver a neutrino super beam. One of the work packages of this design study is dedicated to the primary proton beam-line completing the linac. It will mainly consist of an accumulator ring to compress the 2.86 ms long beam pulse to 1.32 μs and of a switchyard to distribute the protons onto a 4-target station. Dipoles, steerers, quadrupoles, collimators and several diagnostics will compose the switchyard to ensure the protons to hit the target with desired characteristics. This paper presents the objectives of this work package and the design status of this switchyard system.

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