
Due to the increased industrial activities like burning of fossil fuels, use of refrigerant gases in air conditioning systems etc., the amount of Greenhouse gases(GHGs) are increasing in the atmosphere. Higher concentration of these gases result in trapping of more heat thus increasing the earth’s temperature leading to greenhouse effect. Hence release of GHG even at very minute concentration levels must be monitored strictly. MEMS cantilever sensor respond to mass loading effect which is useful to detect inert gases at low parts per million concentration levels. COMSOL Multiphysics Software is used for designing and simulating MEMS based piezoresistive cantilever sensor to enhance the sensitivity in terms of output voltage. The gas concentration is converted into voltage by the piezo resistors which are connected in the form of Wheatstone bridge. In addition, we have compared the outputs of sensors when different piezoresistive materials are used.

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