
In this study, we tried to design a distillation device using a solar cell to generate electricity which would later be used as a heating source. The highest yield obtained was 21.58% by distillation for 6 hours and 4 days of drying time. The highest patchouli oil density value was obtained at 4 days of drying time with 6 hours of operating time. While the lowest density value of Patchouli oil was obtained at 2 days of drying time at 6 hours of operating time. From the results of the analysis using GC-MS showed the presence of identified chemical compounds including azulene, seychellene and several other compounds, based on the GC-MS results obtained 31.75% patcholi alcohol, and 20.50% azulene. According to International Market Standards, patchouli alcohol content should be higher than 30%, therefore this material meets the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) and besides that the physical and chemical properties of Patchouli oil are produced from the distillation process by utilizing sunlight using solar cells (photovoltaic). From these results it can be seen that the Patchouli oil that has been produced during this research can be sold in the market because it meets the Indonesian National Standard.

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