
AbstractTo achieve optoelectronic devices with high resolution and efficiency, there is a pressing need for optical structural units that possess an ultrasmall footprint yet exhibit strong controllability in both the frequency and spatial domains. For dielectric nanoparticles, the overlap of electric and magnetic dipole moments can scatter light completely forward or backward, which is called Kerker theory. This effect can expand to any multipoles and any directions, re‐named as generalized Kerker effect, and realize controllable light manipulation at full space and full spectrum using well‐designed dielectric structures. However, the complex situations of multipole couplings make it difficult to achieve structural design. Here, generative artificial intelligence (AI) is utilized to facilitate multi‐objective‐oriented structural design, wherein the study leverages the concept of “combined spectra” that consider both spectra and direction ratios as labels. The proposed generative adversarial network (GAN) is named as DDGAN (double‐discriminator GAN) that discriminates both images and spectral labels. Using trained networks, the simultaneous design for scattering color and directivities, RGB color routers, as well as narrowband light routers is achieved. Notably, all generated structures possess a footprint <600 × 600 nm indicating their potential applications in optoelectronic devices with ultrahigh resolution.

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