
Power consumption is one of the most considered factors while designing any electronics digital circuit. In which, the Adiabatic Quantum Flux parametron (AQFP) is one of the best superconducting technology for reduced power factor. Adiabatic Quantum Flux Parametron (AQFP) will be powered by the use of AC (Alternating Current) in place of DC power supply. In this research article, a hybrid counter is designed based on Adiabatic Quantum Flux Parametron (AQFP). The hybrid counter is modelled using parallel counter circuits. This counter is designed based on different stages of manipulation. The different stages are based on the number of bits used in the design. Here the design is made up of 4 - bit hybrid counter with four stages of computation and due to these stages of computation, the computation cost is reduced up to 28% compared to existing semiconductor counter electronics circuits. Since the computation cost is reduced, which directly implies that the speed of design is high speed and power is also reduced in huge factors in range of nanowatts.

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