
Abstract: This paper proposed the development of an tethered Drone to be used for application. Drones become essential for various application. The main drawback of the drones is that the time of flight is very less (around 20 minutes).The proposed system aims to provide continuous power supply to the drone by using power supply from ground. The twisting and tangling of wires is another problem, so we have provided a slip ring mechanism to avoid twisting of cable. In this system author used IMU 6DOF (3-axis accelerometer& 3-axis gyroscope) which ensure it smooth movement, graceful motion and trajectory tracing. GPS system and barometric sensor makes it more efficient in autonomous mode. UAVs have limited operational autonomy, determined by their on-board available power. An autonomous power tethered UAV-UGV team couples those two classes through a power linkage. This serves to increase the UAV’s autonomy in terms of flight time, while concurrently the aerial platform’s utility as an eye-in-the-sky can provide the UGV with increased knowledge of its surroundings. Finally, this physical constraint can grant additional benefits at aerial vehicle control level, especially under the potential presence of strong wind gusts. The developed autonomous operation strategy is examined within a simulated scenario with limited prior map knowledge, which includes a number of unmapped challenges.

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