Event Abstract Back to Event Design of graphene-like boron nitride/gelatin electro spun nanofibers as new bio nanocomposite material for tissue engineering Sakthivel Nagarajan1, 2, Céline Pochat-Bohatier1, Sébastien Balme1, Philippe Miele1, Narayana Kalkura2 and Mikhael Bechelany1 1 Université Montpellier, Institut Européen des Membranes, UMR 5635 CNRS ENSCM, France 2 Anna University, Crystal Growth Centre, India Introduction: Improving the mechanical properties of biopolymers is very essential towards the fabrication of efficient nontoxic material for biomedical applications. To this aim, a novel mechanically stable graphene -like boron nitride (GBN) inorganic filler is introduced[1]. Boron nitride (h-BN) is isoelectric analogue of graphite and exfoliated h-BN (GBN), exhibits very high mechanical properties. Hence the h-BN is exfoliated using the lewis acid base interaction of h-BN and gelatin. GBN/gelatin is used for the fabrication of electrospun mats (ESM) through electrospinning technique. The effect of biomineralization and the toxicity of the ESM with GBN concentration are analyzed. Materials and Methods: Various concentration of h-BN (0.1, 1, 5 % (w/v)) were prepared using 20% of gelatin solution and sonicated for one hour. The solution is centrifuged at 500 rpm for 30 minutes to obtain the stable dispersion of gelatin/GBN in the supernatant. The ESM were fabricated using the stable dispersion of GBN/gelatin using an electrospinning system[2]. Fibers prepared using 20% gelatin were denoted as G and using various h-BN weight fraction, such as 0.1, 1 and 5% were referred as 0.1G, 1G 5G respectively. The electrospun mats were further cross-linked with 1% glutaradehyde, neutralized with 10% glycine solution and denoted as GC, 0.1GC, 1GC, 5GC. Results and Discussion: The X-ray diffraction patterns of ESM (figure 1c) shows 2 peaks at 2Ө= 26.6° and 55◦ corresponds to (002) and (004) planes of h-BN respectively. The peaks observed at 2Ө= 41.49°, 43.72° and 50◦ that corresponds to (100), (101) and (102) planes of h-BN respectively, disappears evidences of the efficient exfoliation of h-BN in ESM[3]. The Fourier transform infrared of ESM are showed in (figure (1(a,b)). Characteristic peaks of amide I, II and III demonstrates the presence of gelatin chains. The shift in the symmetric stretching of carboxylates from 1406 to 1385cm-1 in 1G, 5G and broadening of carboxylate symmetry stretching in 0.1G, 1G, and 5G respectively, depicts that carboxylates have strong interaction with the graphene like boron nitride nano-sheets and this interaction facilitates the exfoliation of BN[4]. The tensile strength studies of cross linked ESM shows, the uniform reinforcement of Gelatin by the exfoliated GBN and hence the improvement of the young’s modulus from 612 MPa to 1305 MPa. Beyond the optimal concentration of h-BN, GBN causes imperfect reinforcement and leads to sudden decrease to 218 MPa of young’s modulus. The biomineralization in simulated body fluids (figure 2 (a-d)) evidences the formation of bone like apatite with the increasing of the GBN concentration. The cell viability and alkaline phosphatase activity to Human HOS osteosarcoma cell lines evidences that addition of h-BN and the exfoliation into GBN does not affect the biocompatibility of gelatin. Conclusion: The h-BN is exfoliated into GBN using gelatin. GBN reinforced ESM were fabricated by electrospinning technique. The optimal concentration of GBN in ESM enhanced the mechanical properties and bone like apatite forming ability of the bionanocomposites. The ESM is nontoxic to osteoblast cell lines and possess alkaline phosphatase activity. Hence the ESM are highly suitable new class of bionanomaterial for orthopaedic application. S.N. acknowledges the financial support from Svagata-Erasmus mundus program.; The authors are thankful to Dr. Rajaram, central Leather Research Institute (CLRI), Chennai, India; N. Masquelez for valuable suggestions to DSC results.; The human HOS osteosarcoma cell line was kindly donated by Dr. Maurel, Institute of Functional Genomics (IGF), Montpellier, France.; The authors would like to acknowledge the “Institut Européen des Membranes (IEM)- UMR CNRS 5635” which supports this study through the project NewBone/Axe-health/2015”.; Dr.Vincent Cavaillès and Catherine Teyssier IRCM, Institut de Recherche en Cancérologie de Montpellier, INSERM U1194, Université Montpellier, Montpellier F-34298, France for the valuable discussion.
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