
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a progressive genetic disease that causes persistent lung infections and limits the ability to breathe over time. The defective gene, Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR), changes a protein that creates thick mucus. The mucus clogs the airways and traps bacteria leading to infections, extensive lung damage, and failure. The objective of the proposed research is to develop and utilize novel Focused Ultrasound (FU) systems to investigate muco-modulation (the ability to alter the properties of mucus) for CF. The immediate goals of the research are as follows: 1) to utilize unfocused/focused ultrasound system to observe muco-modulation in a simulation study and 2) to design and develop customized FU system to target multiple sites to modulate mucus structure/function in a targeted area, without disrupting gross tissue function. The long-term goal of this study is to produce a wearable therapeutic device for human beings that provides non-invasive therapy and to create a complete system model that spans across electrical, acoustical, and biological domains. Thus, the research aims will extend the development of disease-specific and patient-specific treatment for CF using non-invasive ultrasound vibrations. The results presented here comprise as the first step towards that realization.

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