
Aircraft Cockpit Instrument System normally has conventional electromechanical instruments for Flight and Engine parameters of prime importance to the crew. These instruments include flight instruments like, Vertical Speed Indication (VSI), Standby Altitude Indicator, Combined Speed Indicator, Altimeter, Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI). The Engine and Fuel instrument include RPM indicator, Turbine Exhaust Gas Temperature (TGT) indicator, Nozzle Position indicator, Fuel Flow meter, Fuel content indicator. In addition to flight and engine parameter indicators, a gyro magnetic compass (GMC) and Hydraulic pressure indicator are also required. In modern time aircraft, upgraded avionics replaces this entire instrument by integrated flight and engine parametric display and warning system. The flight parameters are received from Air Data, Altitude and Heading Reference System (ADAHRS). The ADAHRS shall have a serial interface (RS 422 or ARINC 429) from FEW-DPS. The Engine parameters and hydraulic pressure are directly acquired by Data Acquisition block of FEW-PDS. After the application of the computational algorithm in FEW-PDS, the corresponding value of parameters are displayed in LCD based soft instruments display. FEW-PDS shall also generate the discrete signal for different warnings based on algorithms as part of application s/w running on the main microcontroller of FEW-PDS.The scope of project is a Hardware Design for Lab Model of FEW-PDS.

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