
The D’Arcadia Treasure (DAT) is a Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) that made shoes from traditional Indonesian fabrics. The research objective is to design a structured and documented quality control system to make companies easier to control the production process according to the quality standards desired by consumers. The initial stage is to identify of DAT’s Critical to Quality that will be the basis for compiling a Quality Plan, then using Statistical Process Control method for the control process and Cost of Quality identification. The results of the initial condition analysis are known there are 5 stages of the main process of making flat shoes as the object of research, namely spraying, pattern making, sewing, assembly, and finishing. Furthermore, the quality control system is designed to be divided into 3, namely raw material receipts, production processes, and finished goods equipped with quality control tools checksheet tables and instructions for use. The results of the implementation and analysis of Failure Mode Effect Analysis obtained the highest RPN value of 224 in the assembly process. The entire series of control processes are carried out with the Plan Do Check Action procedure which is a continuous cycle to be implemented in the company.

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