
Smart healthcare technology is transforming from the traditional healthcare system in every manner conceivably. Smart healthcare provides several advantages over the existing approaches. However, it suffers from healthcare data security and privacy issues. As the Internet attackers may get access to sensitive healthcare data through the use of various types of cyber attacks. In this paper, an architecture of a blockchain-enabled secure smart health monitoring system has been presented (in short, it is called as BSSHM). BSSHM consists of various health data monitoring sensors, i.e., temperature, heartbeat, etc., which monitor the real time health data of the different patients. The healthcare data of the patients can be transmitted to the connected health servers in a secure way, where this data can be stored securely for its various uses. The formal security verification of the proposed BSSHM is also done through the widely-accepted Scyther tool. It has been proved that BSSHM is able to defend various potential attacks.

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