
Cloud computing is a key computing platform for sharing resources that includes IaaS, Saas, PaaS and business process. This provides many benefits for the users to create and store health care data on the cloud thereby utilizing fewer resources in the client system. The proposed system mainly focuses on health care data security. To reduce the increase in cost of hospitalization, researchers are building Smart Health care environment where medical data are continuously monitored by health experts. Some of the major imports that still need to be discussed before these devices get a wide acceptance include the security and privacy of medical data collected by these devices. Enhanced RSA is a technique which uses random integer as an additional technique in traditional RSA. Enhanced RSA based storage security method uses encryption and decryption technique of the remote data by improving existing RSA based encryption and decryption. The encrypted data will be stored in the cloud using provable data possession scheme. To improve the privacy and security, the primal based privacy technique is used in securing the health care data. The proposed technique provides better security. Using this proposed method, the correctness of health care data is assured and identification of file block existence in the cloud is performed. This method also supports insertion, modification and deletion of the data and tries to reduce the calculation time of the server. The attacks are made with encrypted data and the results shows that the proposed scheme outperforms with improved security in data storage when compared to the existing methods.

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