
This work presents the design of a mobile application that serves for teaching the management of Arduino UNO electronic cards, it proposes the implementation of the teaching methodology based on projects, which consists of guiding the user, through a series of activities, to the development of a project ranging from the analysis of a programming algorithm, through the development of the main program and ending in the connection of the circuit through a virtual animation model, in addition it will be possible to keep track of each user. The design is intuitive and the user will be able to navigate in a simple way, avoiding the saturation of information on the screen, the architecture of the application is simple to understand as it consists of a system that guides the user through each window of the application. The design of the App is validated by performing a test on the Figma platform, which helps to simulate its behavior and obtain the real reactions of the users. The design and teaching methodology is based on surveys to the students of the Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico Industrial y de Servicios (C.B.T.i.s) No. 86 to obtain an objective analysis of their navigability and interaction with the App.

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