
Utilizing IoT based on health services cannot be avoided, especially during a pandemic requiring a screening process for a person's condition. It serves as an important tool for conducting initial health assessments, which are critical in determining subsequent healthcare interventions. Healthcare-oriented IoT solutions offer a cost-effective approach to remote health evaluation, expanding their reach to remote and underserved areas. The implementation of Safe Entry Stations (SES) further enhances this process by capturing fundamental health metrics such as blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate. This article delves into the exploration of the determinants that influence individuals' intentions to adopt health-focused IoT devices. This introduces a new Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) framework by including additional variables. These findings, as revealed through SmartPLS analysis, confirm the significant impact on the acceptance and integration of health-oriented IoT devices. This research underscores the important role of IoT technology in the healthcare sector and contributes relevant insights for its widespread adoption and implementation.

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