
A one-dimensional diffusion model of the Diamond Light Source storage ring vacuum system is described and its predictions are compared with actual measured static (without beam) and dynamic (with beam) pressures over more than 2000 A h of beam conditioning at 3 GeV. An average specific thermal outgassing yield of 1·10−11 mbar l/(s cm2) during initial beam circulation is obtained, which reduces to 2·10−12 mbar l/(s cm2) after an accumulated beam dose of 1000 A h and an elapsed time of 769 days. In the presence of stored electron beam, the pressure rises as expected due to photon stimulated desorption (PSD). The PSD yield reduces with beam dose according to a (−2/3) power law as was applied in the model. Predicted and measured dynamic pressures generally agree within a factor of 2 over the whole range of beam conditioning dose studied.

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