
The habit of cooking can incorporate new values and practices over time, mirroring changes in society as a whole. Besides providing basic physiological needs, cooking is essential in constituting individual and collective relationships and identities. However, unsustainable cooking behaviors can adversely affect water resources, energy consumption, and food waste ultimately, resulting in adverse effects on climate change due to greenhouse gas emissions. In this scenario, Design for Sustainable Behavior (DfSB) can be a valuable approach to direct innovation on products and services associated with cooking, since it focuses on supporting solutions aimed to influence behaviors, with a focus on the usage phase. The present study investigates this issue, with a goal of establishing parameters guided by Design for Sustainable Behavior strategies to assist designers in developing innovative household appliances that effectively promote them. Since the research involves the development of an artifact, the method adopted was Design Science Research integrated with Systematic Literature Review, Survey and collaborative workshops with professionals from the sector. The results point to a significant amount of opportunities for innovation based on the principles and strategies of Design for Sustainable Behavior in the development of cooking appliances.

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