
Quality assurance (QA) of dental radiography should ensure high quality radiographs with minimum dose. Appropriate phantoms are needed to assess image quality, equipment performance and patient exposure. In order to visualise important image details or small differences in density of the oral tissues a high image contrast and spatial resolution is needed. The image quality phantom for intra-oral equipment may include teeth and contrast and spatial resolution test plate embedded in soft tissue substitute. Patient dose and some special technical factors of intra-oral X ray units can be checked by mailing a QA test packet to the user. This packet may contain TL dosemeters for dose measurements and individually packed X ray film for checking the diameter and collimation of primary beam and radiation quality. Important procedures in QA of the panoramic unit include the checking of beam alignment, the position of the patient positioning mechanism and lights, patient dose and image quality. A good quality periapical or whole status radiograph can be used as a reference film in constancy tests. It allows the dentist to compare recently processed radiographs for changes in film density, contrast, resolution, or other changes in image quality.

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