
Empowering the community is one of a series of activities that must be carried out by a lecturer at Binus University. This empowerment program has been implemented in various cities and regions in Indonesia, including in the Krapyak, Pekalongan City. This program involves lecturers from various programs at Binus University, such as from the Architecture department, interior design department, hotel management department, tourism department, management department, marketing communication department and also visual communication design department. There are a variety of training materials designed to develop the mindset and economic independence activities of the PKK and Karang Taruna groups in the Krapyak area, Pekalongan City. Empowerment is summarized in the establishment of Kedai Omah Jlamprang, an integrated shop offering culinary specialties of Pekalongan City, batik and various Pekalongan City handicraft products, providing a place to gather in developing the creative ideas of the community, and various activities that support the creation of Krapayak people's economic independence, so as to be able to advance this area in an integrated manner. Support by the department of visual communication design provided in the form of training in recognizing and implementing branding programs for Kedai Omah Jlamprang so that it has a strong visual identity. Aimed at the store manager consisting of the PKK group and Karang Taruna youth group, Krapyak, Pekalongan City.

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