
In high school teacher education, although work on didactic units for teaching the curriculum of science disciplines is common, they rarely include multidisciplinary STEAM viewpoint. For this article we are using the definition of STEAM that says it is a teaching method that integrates content, skills and beliefs from at least two disciplines that form the acronym and that focuses on real world contexts In this project, we show the design and implementation of a teaching/learning sequence (TLS) to show the STEAM methodology in High School with a project-based learning approach, with students of the Master’s Degree in Secondary Science Teacher Training. The TLS designed integrates content and skills from various STEAM disciplines, with physics and biology being the main ones and adding a Project-Based Learning (PrBL) teaching approach through the search for the best way to protect oneself from the sun. In this case, the Master’s degree students had two roles: on the one hand, they acted like secondary education students and, on the other hand, like future teachers. Thus, we evaluated the sequence in three different ways: content acquisition, scientific skills and attitudes towards STEAM education. The results indicated a positive impact in all the aspects analysed.

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