
Managing and protecting prime cropland requires the integration of a large amount of high-quality data from a variety of sources. Due to the limitations of labour-consuming and low-efficiency in cropland protecting processes implementation by traditional approaches, an integrated management information system of crucial importance when conducting a successful protection policy. This paper represents the methodology of design and development of Suzhou prime cultivated land management information system using ArcGIS Developer Kit. A mixed mode of C/S and B/S was used to design system framework. The B/S module ( a internet GIS) , mainly for public users, aimed at the land map publishing and general data query, moreover, the C/S part supply the specialized users with the functionality of data management and professional analysis. The two different subsystems separately connected to the same geodatabase through ArcSDE engine. The database was established in a remote server to ensure the consistency of the data and provide the subordinate access through the special data line on the Internet. Some key functions realization were described detailedly including the map publishing using ArcServer, the dynamic management of occupy tocsin, the intelligent land complementing, and the historical backtracking and browse based on the ArcSDE version management technology.

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