
This study discusses the design and development of learning resources for online analog electronics courses during Covid-19 at D3 Electronic Engineering, Univeristas Negeri Malang. The online course becomes an obstacle when students cannot install and operate the software properly due to a lack of knowledge and limited infrastructure. It takes learning media that can be accessed and operated easily. Job sheet ThinkerCad development is one solution to create structured practicum activities. Tinkercad is a website-based virtual laboratory. Tinkercad provides classes where teachers can monitor and check student simulations so that it is like doing a practicum in a laboratory. The proposed approach has four steps: 1) identifying laboratory activities, 2) exploring platforms and tools, 3) creating classwork/assignments, and 4) evaluating media. The Job sheets consist of two types, namely for students and teachers. It also develops a manual book for the beginner. There is a discussion of the worksheet on the teacher’s job sheet. The job sheet consists of the clipper, clamper, rectifier, voltage multiplier, transistor as switch and amplifier, class B and AB amplifier, and comparator. Based on the test results of the job sheet, there is a difference of about 10% between the theoretical calculation results with the simulation results. Future research will focus on the effectiveness of using Tinkercad in the Analog Electronics course.

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