Introducing scientific methods to the cultivation system is sorely needed in overpopulatedcountries like Bangladesh. As the demand for food is rapidly increasing while the farming areas aresqueezing day by day. The cultivation system of our country follows the traditional harvesting process whichdoes not employ any scientific analysis of the agricultural sites. But proper measurement and analysis ofthese parameters can magnificently improve the harvesting result. This article presents the design anddevelopment method of Arduino based low-cost physical parameter analyzer which can be constructed easilyand used by the farmers of rural areas. The system was controlled with an Arduino microcontroller whichcan receive analog signals from different sensors and show the measurement results in digital form through aliquid crystal display. DHT11 sensor is one kind of capacitor that has humidity holding substrate asdielectric which was interfaced with the microcontroller to measure both the relative humidity andtemperature. While FC-28 soil moisture sensor measures the relative soil moisture by sensing electricalresistance of the soil. A JXCT-pH sensor was also incorporated to evaluate the pH level of the soil. Thedeveloped system is also capable of continuously monitoring an agricultural site and taking some emergencyaction if the standard value of the physical parameters deviates drastically .
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