
Human-Robot interaction plays a vital role in the service robotics field, especially to support old age-dependent people for socio-economic reasons. In this paper, an indigenous 3D printed 6 DoF robotic arm is proposed to support specially-abled people in their independent-feeding process. The objective of the present paper is to find the combination of optimal positional controllers such as CPID, FC, FPID and FOPID, which can handle the cubic reference input signal and can produce an output signal with minimal overshoot and lesser positional error. The reduced positional error helps the robotic arm to accurately reach the destination with minimal oscillations. This would reduce the wastage of food in the middle of the trajectory as well as at the destination. The technical challenge of the paper is to synchronize machine vision, robot kinematics and trajectory planning with robot control for multiple intermediate points, subjected to the cubic input signal. The feeding robotic arm is equipped with Intel© visual depth camera, which is in synchronization with the microcontroller, servo controller, and servo actuators. Here, six intermediate points were identified in the C-space using FK, among which, fuzzy controller was selected for the first two IPs, the GA optimized FOPID was selected for IP3 to IP5 and FPID was deployed for the last IP. The GA: FOPID produced a negligible overshoot of 0.67%, whereas FC and FPID produced an overshoot of 1.4% and 0.8% respectively. The positional error gap between GA: FOPID, FC and FPID was 0.9, and 0.6 Deg/sec respectively. The selection of combination of optimal controllers helps the manipulator to successfully deliver the food without wasting it. The repeatability of the feeding process is ensured by successfully conducting user testing on 20 users for 25 cycles.

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