
In this digital world, all the developing countries' growth has improved elastically with the impact of farmers and their innovative farming processes. Generally, the farming process can be developed with ancient traditional methodologies for maintaining the quality of the crops and their yields. Their farming was developed and has given more profit only with the quality of the soil and the nutrition’s used on land. But the drawback is they were spending much time to get their yields from their land and the nutrition level was not maintained at all times. Moreover, more space was used for farming with huge manpower is required for maintaining the entire land. Most of the countries are moved to smart farming concepts with IoT platforms for optimizing the time and techniques. In that hydroponic the best innovative idea to produce more crops, vegetables, and fruits without soil. Rockwool is used for farming processes with water contaminants at regular intervals will provide huge productions as well as no need to wait for a long time for cultivation. This method was implemented in most of the countries that were doing smart farming with less manpower and low cost. The hydroponic farming methodology is implemented with IoT sensors for monitoring crop's status and health continuously. Once their nutrition level or water level has decreased it will provide all at constant time intervals to the entire system effectively. A few years ago hydroponic farming was horizontally implemented on smaller spaces for the regular water flow. But now a day it is implemented on a vertical surface to reduce the space and water flow is only at the time of need. This technology is used to increase the productivity of the crops with a small space of land and less manpower. Perhaps the cost of the entire system has been taken into the consideration by small-scale unit farmers vertical hydro farming provides better results when compared with previous classical methods. This research paper has given the design and implementation of automated vertical hydro farming techniques with IoT platform and their analytics will be done using big data analytics.

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