
Large parking area and no sign, will make it difficult for vehicle owners to remember and find the location of the parked. Therefore, a guide system becomes one of the important things in a large parking area. The technology that can be utilized in navigation systems is bluetooth technology, which has now called BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) with a signal reach of 100 meters, data transfer speeds 1 Mbps and low power consumption. The information from a BLE module is the value of RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) which shows the signal strength received. The guide system installed on a smartphone as a receiver and BLE module as a transmitter on the vehicle. The mobile application will convert the RSSI into the distance between smartphone and vehicle, and will be displayed a guide to the vehicle. Based on the trials that have been carried out obtained an average distance error of 0.92 meters, this is due to the ups and downs of the RSSI value received. When the RSSI value received is small, it raises of accuracy. So the distance between BLE and receiver will affect the RSSI value received and affect the position accuracy of the application.


  • Large parking area and no sign, will make it difficult for vehicle owners to remember and find the location of the parked

  • The technology that can be utilized in navigation systems is bluetooth technology

  • The information from a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) module is the value of RSSI

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Sedangkan metode perhitungan yang digunakan adalah

Selanjutnya membuat rancang bangun sistem navigasi dan BLE yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah BLE melakukan pengujian sistem untuk diketahui tingkat yang diproduksi oleh Cubeacon yang akan digunakan akurasinya. Sedangkan sebagai alat receiver pada penelitian tujuan penelitian agar dapat mengatasai masalah yang ini adalah menggunakan smartphone seri Redmi 7 yang terjadi. Sistem navigasi dirancang memiliki dua buah telah tertanam teknologi bluetooth 4.2 dan memiliki tampilan, tampilan pertama untuk menampilkan Tingkat akurasi dihitung berdasarkan rata-rata error informasi bluetooth yang terdeteksi oleh aplikasi, yang atau selisih jarak antara informasi yang ditampilkan salah satu informasi yang ditampilkan adalah jarak pada aplikasi dengan jarak sesungguhnya di lapangan, antara posisi smartphone dengan bluetooth. Pada lokasi parkir yang cukup luas tersebut tidak terdapat simbol atau penanda sebagai alat bantu posisi parkir suatu. Area parkir diatur oleh dua orang yang bertugas untuk menata kendaraan bermotor agar rapi

Posisi kendaraan biasanya akan diatur agar tidak
Jarak sebenarnya
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