
Credit banks are an important way to build a lifelong learning system and a learning society. At present, various types of credit banks in China generally have limitations such as low efficiency in learning achievement certification and conversion, difficulty in ensuring the quality of learning achievement certification, and vague identification of credit banks. Blockchain technology has the characteristics of openness, consensus, transparent transactions, anonymity, tamper resistance, and traceability, which can effectively solve the centralized governance problems faced by the current construction of credit banks. This article elaborates on the current development status and characteristics of credit banks at home and abroad, analyzes the feasibility of combining credit banks with blockchain, and designs a blockchain based credit bank system architecture and processing flow to address the challenges of inconsistent credit conversion standards, low conversion efficiency, and data security risks in traditional credit banks. It proposes using block structure design to achieve secure and tamper proof credit data, proposes a smart contract based credit recognition and conversion method to achieve decentralized governance of credit banks, and establishes a blockchain based credit bank certification, conversion, and other application design models, which can provide technical support for the large-scale application of credit banks in the future.

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