
We designed and analyzed a magnetic field sensor with low bend losses 2D photonic crystal fiber based on a rhombic ring resonator. The proposed design consists of silicon rods with a diameter of 200 nm in the X and Z directions, which are 61 × 61 silicon rods. The Refractive Index (RI) of silicon is n = 3.48 at λ = 1.55 mm and the number of air holes along the direction is 33 × 33. It was found that the photonic crystal fibers used the photonic band gap phenomenon to guide light but rather an area of the fiber core with a lower refractive index of 0.9 nm. It is important to note that there are low bend losses in 2D photonic crystal fibers, enabling response to small changes in the magnetic fluid viscosity, refractive index, and other physical parameters. The flow of electromagnetic energy, indicated by the Poynting vector (s), indicates that the magnitude of the power carrier per unit area in the direction of S is approximately 1.23 W/m2.

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