
Platooning of connected vehicles is a solution geared toward improving traffic throughput, highway safety, driving comfort, and fuel efficiency. These vehicles are equipped with Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Controller (CACC) that integrates information from dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) radio and sensors for safe navigation. The possibility of malicious attacks such as Denial of Service (DoS) or False Data Injection (FDI) on sensor data or control inputs tends to affect reliability, and jeopardize the safety of connected vehicles. Thus, securing sensor data of these vehicles from DoS or FDI attacks is essential to avoid unwanted consequences. To withstand sensor attacks, resilient state estimators have been developed for networked cyber-physical systems (CPS). However, such estimators do not perform well as the number of compromised sensors of the system increases. As such, we propose a novel convex optimization based Resilient Distributed State Estimator (RDSE) that bounds the state estimation error, irrespective of the magnitude of the attack and the number of compromised sensors. We theoretically prove that the proposed estimator has similar performance compared to the state-of-the-art Distributed Kalman Filter (DKF) under attack free and noise free scenarios. While under attack, our RDSE outperforms the DKF and we provide a theoretical bound on state estimation error generated by RDSE during an attack. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of RDSE against FDI attacks in a platoon with five vehicles and compare its performance during attack against the DKF and the Resilient Distributed Kalman Filter (RDKF).

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