
El desempleo es uno de los principales problemas Mexico, junto con el empleo de mala calidad. El objetivo de este trabajo es estimar el efecto que tienen las caracteristicas sociodemograficas: sexo, edad y nivel de instruccion, sobre la tasa de desempleo abierta por entidad federativa, mediante un analisis de panel. Los resultados muestran que las caracteristicas que se asocian a un mayor desempleo son: el sexo y el nivel de instruccion con primaria incompleta y completa, mientras que las caracteristicas que se asocian a un menor desempleo son: la edad de 45 anos y mas y el nivel de instruccion secundaria completa, medio superior y superior. Abstract Unemployment is one of Mexico's main problems along with poor quality employment. The objective of this work is to estimate the effect that the sociodemographic characteristics have: sex, age and level of education, on the rate of open unemployment by federative entity, by means of a panel analysis. The results evince that the characteristics that are associated with higher unemployment are: sex and the level of education with incomplete and complete primary education, while the characteristics that are associated with lower unemployment are: the age of 45 years and over and secondary education level complete, middle school and higher education.

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