Diagnostic features Female: Length, 1.22 1.37mm. Body completely dark brown, with dull metallic shine; fronto-vertex dull violet, with bluishgreen tinge, pronotum and mesoscutum mainly dark violet and bronzy; scutellum metallic, with bluish-green shine; metanotum, propodeum, pleura and gaster dark brown, with violet, gaster with some bronzy shine; tegulae brown. Antennal radicle, basal half to two-thirds of scape, pedicel except extreme apex, and F1 5 (fifth segment lightly) infuscate brown to nearly dark brown, rest of antenna testaceous yellow to yellow. Fore wing very lightly infuscate, with a yellow tinge, hind wing hyaline. Legs, including fore coxae, testaceous yellow; mid coxa dark brown as mesopleura; hind coxa testaceous to brown.
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