
In Tegucigalpa, Honduras, the PYMES sector is an economic engine due to its proven ability to generate employment and for its contribution to the economy, in general. (INE, 2017). On average, 90% is made up of micro and small companies and only 10% of medium-sized companies. The main objective was to develop an integrated model of strategic matrices for the PYMES of the Central District, Honduras; that allows influencing in optimizing the decision-making of its main managerial indicators. The hypothesis to be demonstrated was whether an integrated model of strategic matrices of the Marketing environment helps decision-making, and allows the organizational growth of PYMES. The research was descriptive in scope, with a type of non-experimental cross-sectional research, the independent variable was an integrated model of strategic matrices of the Marketing environment and the dependent variable growth or business potentialization in PYMES. For the study, the universe of 10,000 PYMES in Tegucigalpa was considered, taking the sample of 155 companies selected using the simple random technique. It was determined how PYMES analyze their environments, be it the macro environment and micro environment, through a system of 6 strategic matrices. The system was developed in a company where the implementation of the matrices demonstrated different strategies, which, depending on the results, can contribute significantly, in how SMEs can face their competitive environment in all areas and the possible solutions both to Short, medium and long term. The work was carried out for the Doctorate in Projects of the Universidad Iberoamericana, with an agreement with Funiber.

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