
AbstractThis research was instigated with the videos rarely used in learning, so students were difficult in remembering material when studying independently. This research aimed at designing learning video with adobe after effects software and ICARE model on Thermochemistry lesson, and the video validity was tested based on validation by material and media experts and, teacher and student practicality tests. Research and Development (R&D) method was used in this research with design and development research (DDR). Preliminary field test was conducted to the eleventh-grade students of Natural Science 2 at Senior High School of Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru. This research produced a thermochemistry learning video with a media and material expert validation score of 91.2% with very valid criteria. The result of teacher practicality test was 90.2% with very practical category, and the result of student response test was 88.3% with very good category.Keywords: Learning Video, Adobe After Effects, ICARE, Thermochemistry.AbstrakPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh penggunaan video yang jarang digunakan dalam pembelajaran, sehingga siswa kesulitan mengingat materi saat belajar mandiri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mendesain video pembelajaran menggunakan software adobe after effects model ICARE pada materi termokimia yang diuji kevalidannya berdasarkan validitas ahli materi, ahli media, uji praktikalitas guru dan siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Research and Development (R&D) dengan model Desain and Development Research (DDR). Uji lapangan awal dilakukan di SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pekanbaru terhadap peserta didik kelas XI IPA 2. Penelitian ini menghasilkan produk berupa video pembelajaran termokimia dengan nilai validasi ahli media dan ahli materi diperoleh sebesar 91,2% dengan kriteria sangat valid. Uji praktikalitas guru mendapatkan hasil sebesar 90,2% dengan kategori sangat praktis, dan uji respon siswa mendapatkan hasil sebesar 88,2% dengan kategori sangat baik.Keywords: Video Pembelajaran, Adobe After Effects, ICARE, Termokimia.

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