
Liquid smoke is a condensate liquid from the pyrolysis of coconut shells which contains the main constituent compounds of acids, phenols, and carbonyls, so it is widely applied as a natural preservative in food and provides sensory characteristics in the form of aroma, colour, and a distinctive taste in food products and as an anti-bacterial. The research objective was to design, manufacture, and test the liquid smoke distillation apparatus. The method used in this research is an experimental method where the activities carried out include designing, making, and testing. The result is that the furnace is made based on the results of the initial design with a height of 61 cm, width 41 cm and length 41 cm. The top of the furnace is conical with a cone height of 34 cm. The condenser tube is rectangular in shape with a width of 40.5 cm, length 40.5 cm and a height of 60.5 cm. the condenser tube serves to accommodate water which is used as a cooling medium. The inside of the condenser tube contains ¾ inch pipe which is formed into a rectangular spiral into 5 stacks. The pipe functions to flow the smoke from the combustion products from the gas phase into a liquid by cooling it with water as a medium. the manufacture of the liquid smoke distillation device has been carried out by the design, but there are some minor changes in the process of making the distillation device. Tests are carried out using raw materials, namely coconut shells and coconut fibers as fuel. Tests carried out with variations in the time and volume of liquid smoke generated from the distillation device. The test results from the liquid smoke distillation tool obtained 400 ml of liquid smoke from the distillation in 2 hours


  • Abstrak Asap cair adalah cairan kondensat dari pirolisis cangkang kelapa yang mengandung senyawa penyusun utama asam, fenol, dan karbonil, sehingga banyak diterapkan sebagai pengawet alami dalam makanan dan memberikan karakteristik sensorik dalam bentuk aroma, warna, dan rasa khas dalam produk makanan dan sebagai anti bakteri

  • Liquid smoke is a condensate liquid from the pyrolysis of coconut shells which contains the main constituent compounds of acids, phenols, and carbonyls, so it is widely applied as a natural preservative in food and provides sensory characteristics in the form of aroma, colour, and a distinctive taste in food products and as an anti-bacterial

  • The method used in this research is an experimental method where the activities carried out include designing, making, and testing

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Perancangan Alat Secara Fungsional

Alat destilasi asap cair ini memiliki bagian dan fungsinya masing-masing yaitu: 1. Tungku pembakaran, proses dimana limbah tempurung kelapa di bakar sehinnga menghasilkan asap yang akan dilanjutkan ke proses selanjutnya. Alat destilasi asap cair ini memiliki bagian dan fungsinya masing-masing yaitu: 1. Proses dimana limbah tempurung kelapa di bakar sehinnga menghasilkan asap yang akan dilanjutkan ke proses selanjutnya. 2. Proses filtrasi asap menggunakan cyclone redistillation. Proses dimana filtrasi asap dibantu dengan centrifugal blower dengan memanfaatkan putaran sehingga abu dan tar dari hasil pembakaran tempurung kelapa dipisahkan. Sehingga asap yang memiliki kandungan abu dan tar rendah akan dilanjutkan ke proses selanjutnya. 3. Tabung kondensor yang menggunakan pipa tembaga yang dibentuk secara spiral sehingga mampu merubah fase dari gas mesjadi liquid dimana air sebagai media pendingin, sehingga terjadi proses kondensasi yang maksimal

Perancangan Alat Secara Struktural
Pembuatan Tungku Pembakaran
Pengujian Alat Destilasi Asap Cair
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