
J.-P. Florin, From the "Croix de Feu" to the "Parti Social Français" a successful mutation ? The example of the "Fédération du Nord" (1936-1939). How far must the transformation of the "Croix de Feu" League into the "Parti Social Français", made necessary in summer 1936, be interpreted as the actual mutation of a movement verging towards "fascism" into a classical political party ? The study of the "Fédération du Nord" of the P.S.F. (one of the most powerful), of the different opinions advocated by its press and particularly in matters of international policy, and of the P.S.F. candidatures to the district elections of 1937, shows Colonel de La Rocque's organization as being not a "fascist" party but a political formation relying essentially on social conservatism and well in the tradition of French autoritarian right wing movements.

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