
The article presents the data of cytological examination of neutrophilic granulocytes of peripheral blood (NGPB) and establishes their relationship with dermatoglyphic parameters in Hutsul, Boyko, Lemko ethno-territorial groups living compactly in the Carpathians.Aim of the work. To determine the patterns of manifestation of intersystem connections and to develop criteria for prognostic assessment of human phenotypic traits based on the phenotypology of finger dermatoglyphics, taking into account the cytological characteristics of NGPB nuclear chromatin.Material and methods. The object of the study were fingerprints of the fingers and toes, cytological characteristics of chromatin NGPB, obtained from 567 males and females aged 18-59 years, living in Ivano-Frankivsk region and belonging to the Hutsul, Boyko and Lemko ethno-territorial groups do not identify with any. The subject of the study is the external and internal connections of papillary patterns of fingers and toes, as well as dermatoglyphs of the hands and feet and the structure of NGPB chromatin. Research methods: dermatoglyphic, cytological, statistical analysis, neural network programming.Results. During the study, it was found that there are cytological features of NGPB in representatives of Boyko, Hutsul and Lemko ethno-territorial groups, which allow to speak reliably about a person's belonging to a particular group depending on gender. There is a positive and negative correlation between the cytological parameters of NGPC and dermatoglyphic parameters in people of different ethno-territorial groups without regard to gender.Conclusion. As a result of neural network testing, the percentage of correct classification of ethno-territorial affiliation by cytological parameters reached 85.7%.

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