
The issue related to the study of anthroposcopic, anthropometric, dermatoglyphic parameters of the population of Ukraine to create regional gene pools remains relevant, because given the intensification of migration processes both within Ukraine and worldwide. The growing flow of global migration and assimilation creates all the conditions for the disappearance of pure ethnic groups and peoples. This work highlights the prospects for studying the ethnic and regional features of human anthroscopic parameters. The article presents the differential anthroscopic characteristics of Hutsul, Boyko, Lemko, Opollia, Pokuttia ethno-territorial groups.
 The goal of the work. To form anthroscopic portraits of Hutsul, Boyko, Lemko, Opollia, Pokuttia ethno-territorial groups in comparison with the control group of persons.
 Materials and methods. The material of the study was anthroscopic parameters of 480 males and females aged 18-59 years, belonging to the Hutsul, Boyko, Lemko, Opollia, Pokuttia and control groups, obtained by questionnaires using standardized methods proposed by Ginsburg BB (1963). The obtained data were subjected to statistical analysis.
 Results. Anthroposcopic portrait of the studied groups: Hutsul ethno-territorial group is characterized by dark skin tone, black straight hair, oval elongated straight face, dark brown or green-brown eyes, long narrow nose; Boyko ethno-territorial group is marked by white skin color, blond straight or wavy hair, round broad face, gray or dark brown eyes, wide straight nose; the Lemko ethno-territorial group is distinguished by white skin color, light straight or curly hair, oval elongated narrow long face, light brown and blue eyes, narrow straight nose; Opole ethno-territorial group is characterized by white skin color, light blond and dark blond wavy hair, round broad face, dark brown and light brown eyes, straight wide nose; The Pokut ethno-territorial group is distinguished by white skin, black and dark blond straight hair, an oval elongated narrow face, brown-green eyes, and a long narrow nose.
 Conclusion. We were able to apply the obtained results in practice, including in the set of identification features and developing an algorithm for rapid prediction of human outward signs.


  • The issue related to the study of anthroposcopic, anthropometric, dermatoglyphic parameters

  • Hutsul ethno-territorial group is characterized by dark skin tone

  • Boyko ethno-territorial group is marked by white skin color

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Актуальним залишається питання, пов’язане з вивченням антропоскопічних, антропометричних, дерматогліфічних параметрів населення України для створення регіональних генофондів, враховуючи активізацію міграційних процесів як у межах України, так і у світових масштабах. У статті представлена диференційна антроскопічна характеристика гуцульської, бойківської, лемківської, опільської, покутської етнотериторіальних груп. Сформувати антропоскопічні портрети гуцульської, бойківської, лемківської, опільської, покутської етнотериторіальних груп порівняно з контрольною групою осіб.

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