
The Lorentz boost is derived from the Evans wave equation of generally covariant unified field theory by constructing the Dirac spinor from the tetrad in the SU(2) representation space of non-Euclidean spacetime. The Dirac equation in its wave formulation is then deduced as a well-defined limit of the Evans wave equation. By factorizing the d’Alembertian operator into Dirac matrices, the Dirac equation in its original first differential form is obtained from the Evans wave equation. Finally, the Lorentz boost is deduced from the Dirac equation using geometrical arguments. A self-consistency check of the Evans wave equation is therefore forged by deducing therefrom the Lorentz boost in the appropriate limit. This procedure demonstrates that the Evans wave equation governs the properties of matter and anti-matter in general relativity and unified field theory and leads both to Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics in general relativity.

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