The origin of seat earths (i.e. underclays, seat rocks, fire clays) has been investigated using sedimentological, palynological and mineralogical analysis of clastic-coal successions from the Eocene Traralgon Formation of the Gippsland Basin, Australia. The seat earths of the Latrobe Group are massive, a light grey to white colour, contain abundant slickensided fracture surfaces and isolated organic matter, and mineralogically consist of abundant kaolinite and lesser amounts of 2 M illite. From palynological evidence, the seat earths have paleoenvironments that grade from a fire-prone heath-fern meadow marsh (i.e. Gleicheniaceae and Epacridaceae dominant), to fire-tolerant shrubs and small trees (i.e. Cyatheaceae, Schizaeaceae and Proteaceae dominant) that fringe raised peatland rainforests. The palynological data also indicate a non-marine origin for the kaolinitic mudstones. The non-marine seat earths were deposited over a foundation of intertidal sediments (containing lenticular, wavy and flaser bedding, tidal rhythmites, extensive burrowing and a diverse assemblage of marine-influenced dinoflagellates). The upward increase in kaolinite, slickensides and rootlets within the seat earth indicates this clay was kaolinitized by pedogenic processes (i.e. weathering by organically derived humic/fulvic acids) prior to and throughout peat formation. The presence of well-preserved and abundant spore-pollen in the kaolinitic mudstones also suggests that the seat earths were deposited in an acidic and relatively reducing setting. The stratigraphic transition from tidal siltstone, to mudstone (seat earth) to coal in ascending order is interpreted as a shallowing-upwards succession. The seat earths of the Gippsland Basin were therefore deposited as a precursor non-marine facies (mostly meadow-marsh) grading into an ombrogenous coal facies, thereby explaining the intimate association between coals and seat earths globally.
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