
Charge is an OFGEM funded Network Innovation Competition (NIC) project being delivered as a partnership between SP Energy Networks, Smarter Grid Solutions, PTV Group and EA Technology. In the Charge project, SP Energy Networks (SPEN) and Partners have developed innovative connection solutions for public electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure. These Smart Charging Connections (SCCs) are presented as an alternative to network reinforcement. These solutions use escalating visibility of network conditions and control of EV charge point (CP) energy consumption for real-time flexibility of EV CP demand in-line with network loading conditions. DNO-Led SCCs utilise innovative DERMS (Distributed Energy Resource Management System) technology to provide autonomous real-time control of the network conditions through coordination of participating EV CPs. This provides the highest degree of capacity release across the SCCs. This paper introduces the SCC value case and functionality, presenting the DERMS solutions that deliver SCCs and their deployment architecture. An exemplary site is presented as a case study, where the value of SCC in allow faster, low-cost EV CP connection is balanced against curtailment. The findings disseminated in this paper will deliver insights for distribution utilities looking to implement novel solutions for managing grid capacity and facilitating public EV charging infrastructure. Recommendations are presented for EV charging manufacturers looking to understanding requirements for EV charge point control and coordination and to support Smart EV Charging.

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