
The mating behavior of captive Loligo bleekeri and the paternity of the resulting prog- eny were examined based on behavioral observations and genetic analyses. In this species, there are 3 mating behaviors (male-parallel, head-to-head, and extra-pair), and 2 sperm storage sites in females (seminal receptacle and the opening of the oviduct), which suggest that sperm competition occurs. All 3 mating behaviors were observed, and females mated often with different males, result- ing in multiple paternity within 3 of the 4 broods examined. In each brood, the male to mate last and frequently before the female spawned fertilized the most eggs (87 to 100%). A sneaker male that mated by extra-pair copulation sired 8.5% of the eggs in a brood. Some eggs were fertilized by sperm received before the start of the study, indicating that sperm can be stored for at least several days before a spawning. In the broods with multiple paternity, the paternity patterns differed among egg capsules. Male competition was more intense between similar-sized males than between different- sized males, but body size did not affect the copulative success in the male-parallel position. We found multiple mating and multiple paternity in L. bleekeri. Paternity rates differed depending on the complex of factors, mating position, timing, frequency and duration. Alternative reproductive be- haviors would change these factors and lead to different paternity rates.

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