
Information has become the vital commodity of exchange in recent decades. Medicine is no exception; the importance of patient information in the digital form has been recognized by organizations and health care facilities. Almost all patient information, including medical history, radiographs, and feedback, can be digitally recorded synchronously and asynchronously. Nevertheless, patient information that could be shared and reused to enhance care delivery is not readily available in a format that could be understood by the systems in recipient health care facilities. The systems used in medical and dental clinics today lack the ability to communicate with each other. The critical information is stagnant in isolated silos, unable to be shared, analyzed, and reused. In this article, we propose enabling interoperability in health care systems that could facilitate communication across systems for the benefit of patients and caregivers. We explain in this article the importance of interoperable data, the international interoperability standards available, and the range of benefits and opportunities that interoperability can create in dentistry for providers and patients alike.

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