Various restorative and prosthetic materials, dental implants, medicines and cosmetic materials, such as toothpaste and denture cleaning products, are used in oral care. In principle, these materials can cause contact allergies, which can manifest as lichenoid reaction, cheilitis and angioedema. It is usually a local reaction of the oral mucosa and surrounding tissues, but a systemic reaction can also occur elsewhere in the body. If a patient develops complaints from dental materials that could be due to an allergy, it makes sense to investigate this allergologically, although these do not yet show full specificity or sensitivity. After a positive allergological examination, it is possible to examine more specifically whether the patient's complaints match the test result and it can be decided whether it is sensible to replace the dental material and, if so, which material could be an alternative. After removal of the causative allergens, the complaints should disappear completely.
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